Tuesday, December 3, 2013

And The Winner Is ...

Hello again to all!

I made it through November's grueling challenge to write 50,000 words for NaNoWriMo.  Except I didn't write just 50,000 words - I wrote over 57,000 and I am still counting, currently just over 60,000 words and I am sure I have at least two to three more chapters to go! I tried to speed up the tale but the characters were just too chatty a bunch and all were clamoring to be written about! However the end is in sight and now I am certain the manuscript will be finished.

Looking back at all the hard work and 'no play' I put in this month, I can say it was worth it. I learned a few things which helped in my writing too. First, using a timer is a good thing for me! It made me focus and keep on task. The tick...tick ... tick ... made me write because I realized my time was ticking away and I had better produce! Secondly I learned to say when I got to the end of one scene, "And then what happened?" So that I would progress the story in a coherent way. The third thing I learned was that having a daily word count goal was extremely motivating for me!

I know that in the coming months there will be revisions, cutting and editing that will need to be done, but the idea that I nearly have a whole manuscript to work with is very exciting!

I hope you had a great Thanksgiving and that the upcoming holidays will only bring pleasant surprises.
